Hello, I'm Amiee. I love trying new things and exploring new opportunities, and I'd love to excel in a careers I'm passionate about. However, recently I've faced the enormous challenge of dealing with domestic abuse, which left me with no belongings, no money, and nowhere to live.
My main goal right now is to find a safe place I can call home. Once I have a safe and secure home I can go back to getting my life back on track. I've always found joy in helping people, creating comfortable spaces, and connecting with like-minded individuals and I'm eager to put these skills to good use by finding a rewarding job.
Knowing that there are people out there willing to support me in achieving my goals feels like something real It gives me real hope and strengthens my desire to one day help others who may have been in similar situations. In the future, I envision a life that's stable, peaceful, and prosperous. That's my dream! Thank you.