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Abu started work as a security guard

raised of £1,848
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Abu's story

Things have been really difficult, it has been really stressful not having a job and a stable place to live. I have three children, and without a stable home, I can't have them come visit me. I'm hoping with support from Beam I can get a stable job and then move into my own accommodation.

I have lots of experience working in warehouses, but my dream is to become a security guard, specifically in CCTV. I've been trying really hard to get a job in security but without the qualification it is impossible. I really like helping and protecting others which is why I think I'd make a good security guard. I definitely think people would describe me as hard-working and I really do love communicating with people.

When I think about the future I just imagine a place where I can have my kids with me, I want to be a good man and a family man. It honestly feels amazing that people want to support me, and one day I hope I am in a position where I can help others too.

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Beam Caseworker
The Security Industry Authority
The Security Industry Authority
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