My children always put a smile on my face without fail. They are one of the main reasons that I'm working so hard to make my situation better. I'm excited to be able to have my children and grandchildren come round to my home and to be able to support them financially.
Before last month, I had been homeless for years. I was stuck between a mixture of rough sleeping and sofa surfing with various friends and family while trying to sort my housing situation out. I didn't feel like I was getting anywhere. Something that my situation has taught me is the importance of being independent. It's so important to have your own place for your mental health and your ability to build up a stable life. I've been in situations where I've had to rely on partners for a roof over my head and it's nothing I want to experience again.
When I started working with Beam it was the first time I felt like a council took me seriously. Within a matter of days, things started moving and I'm happy to share that I now have my own flat! The next step now is for me to do this training and start working so I can provide for myself and for my family. I've enjoyed this process of being proactive and I see a light at the end of the tunnel for my situation. I'm excited about this next chapter!