Being creative makes me happy, whether it's through drawing or baking in the kitchen, having a creative outlet is a big part of my life.
Almost a year ago, I had to flee domestic violence in my family home. It was a really difficult time and added greatly to my struggles with anxiety and depression. Now that I've been somewhere safe and received great support, I feel ready to move on and find a place to call home.
I'm really excited to have my own space. I've never felt like I had my own space and I'm really looking forward to having place to call my own. Once I've moved in, I will be able to feel settled and start thinking about how I want my future to look. I dream of one day having a job within the arts and maybe doing freelance work in costume-making. For now, I'll focus on the first step in achieving my dreams, having somewhere stable to live!
Launching my campaign on Beam is truly exciting and it makes me feel happy. It's nice to know that there are supportive and nice people out in the world. I know this is the right first step in fulfilling my dreams and getting back to leading a steady and happy life!