Hello, I'm Caroline. Life has thrown me some curveballs, but I'm determined to face them head on. This has been a challenging time, but I'm focusing on the positive and doing everything I can to improve my situation.
I'm passionate about helping others, especially those who are vulnerable in society. I've been applying for jobs every day, in a variety of sectors such as care, support and teaching. I have previous experience in these fields from my time in Kenya, where I worked as a teacher and a researcher. I'm also a big fan of reggae music and dancing, and I love to swim and cycle to keep my physical health in check. I'm eager to find a stable job that would allow me to work enough hours to provide a secure home for myself.
Knowing that there are kind-hearted people out there willing to support me on this journey is truly amazing. I can't wait to start this new chapter in my life. I'm looking forward to a prosperous future, where I can progress in my career and further my education. I know achieving this goal with Beam will bring me immense joy and serve as a reminder that it's okay to ask for help. Thank you for considering supporting me. Your generosity means more than words can express.