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Dwaine started work

raised of £3,014
Dwaine's campaign has funded! Support someone else to get back on their feet.
Dwaine's story

I had a great job before but I lost it in covid and I lost my home soon after. Initially I was reluctant to tell my family about what had happened, so I battled through it on my own. I was on the streets for a few weeks during that period too.

Now I just really want to turn my life around, both for myself and for my kids. I really want to find work so that I can buy my kids what they need. I want to be able to buy them presents! I’m looking forward to having my own space and just starting again. My dream is to be happy, and to make my kids proud of me.

I'd like to work in security because I love people! I love to socialise, and I feel that I'm that person who would always stand up for somebody. If there's an altercation or a problem, there's always a way to solve it. I want to be the guy that solves it.

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More about Dwaine's campaign
Beam Caseworker
The Security Industry Authority
The Security Industry Authority
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