Hi! My name is Faith and I am a single mother of three young children.
Sadly, we were made homeless and were recently put in temporary accommodation provided by the council. It has been really difficult to deal with our financial situation recently. Bills keep increasing and we have only been relying on benefits which is just not enough to cover for all of us. Sometimes it can be so difficult to cope that we don't have enough money to eat. This is not the life I want for my children. I want to be able to start working and give them more stability, but doing it alone is really hard so I am really excited to be working with Beam and getting their support with this.
Despite all this, I am really hopeful for what is coming next. I am proudly back in college now doing Maths and English which I wanted to do for a long time. I love supporting others, which is why I want to start with a career in care, and in the future, I want to do an apprenticeship and become a professional mental health nurse. I want to be able to provide for my children with everything they need and not need to access benefits to survive. I want to be financially stable, independent, and for my family to live a happy and healthy life.