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Irene started work as a nursery assistant

raised of £4,928
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Irene's story

Life has been immensely difficult recently. It feels like it’s been one thing after another. Earlier this year, my partner left my baby and I for another woman. My partner would repeatedly say that I needed to do a DNA test to prove that our daughter was his, and he’d even threaten to take my daughter’s passport so that he could take her away and do a DNA test himself.

I’ve been unable to keep up with rent payments since my partner left, and my debt has been piling up and up. My landlord is in the process of evicting us from our property. I’ve packed all of our belongings because I just don't know what's going to happen next - whether we will be evicted tomorrow and whether we’ll have a roof over our heads. I also have no source of income because of my immigration status - no universal credit or any kind of monetary support. It’s been like that for the last few months, but I’ve recently applied for universal credit so I’m hoping something will come through soon.

I am driven by a desire to do good for others, especially for women and girls. My father died when I was 13, and my 38 year old mother was left to look after seven children with only £1 to her name. Somehow my mother managed to support us and pull us through despite the odds. I want to help other widows like my mother, and give back to the most vulnerable women and girls.

I’d like to find part-time work in a remote role as an admin assistant so I can manage working alongside looking after my daughter. And one day, I’d love to own my own feminine care business where I’m supporting women and girls. I'd like 10% of profits from my business to go towards supporting vulnerable girls in Africa. I want girls to be able to afford things like sanitary towels and to just be able to do everything they want to do. I want girls to have high self-esteem and to feel empowered, always. It’s a real passion of mine, and it means so much to me! I have big dreams, and I am confident I will get there one day. Thank you for your support.

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