After a break up with the mother of my children, I was left without a home. I've been sofa-surfing and doing the best I can but not having a secure environment is hampering my progression.
My kids are the most important thing in the world to me. Their happiness is my happiness. I want to be able to provide a stable environment for them to grow up in. I love teaching them new things and watching them develop into amazing humans. They're already so compassionate and on more than one occasion have used their own money to support the local people in need. I am so proud of them.
I've always felt it is important to give back and support the community. Before my illness worsened and my physical health declined, I used to use my passion for music to raise money for various projects like building schools in less developed parts of the world.
Once I am in a settled environment I want to develop one of my passions of being a chef. I've cooked all my life and never had the platform to take this forward. I've started training and it has opened up my mind to opportunities I never thought were possible.