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Joanna wants to move into a stable home

raised of £2,354
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Joanna's story

Recently, I made the decision to return to the UK after living in Spain for many years. Being repatriated has been challenging, particularly as my young son has ASD and ADHD, so any change in his routine is really tough for him to cope with. It was difficult to afford the up front costs of renting somewhere, so I am very grateful for the support with doing this!

I am already on a really positive path and am pursuing a job that I am really passionate about. I want to start working as a teaching assistant for children with additional educational needs and use my experience as a parent to help young people in schools with ASD and ADHD. I can't wait to have my own place and introduce some important structure back into my son's life!

Thank you so much for every donation, it is very much appreciated by me and my boy! Without you we would still be homeless; all of your help has been life changing and amazing.

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