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Josh started work as a crane supervisor

raised of £4,580
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Josh's story

I’m doing this work so I can build my future, be happier and just live a better life. Going forward, it will be good to not have to worry about where I live. Getting a stable job so I can rent my own apartment and leave temporary accommodation is what’s motivating me.

Before last year, I had a stable job and my own flat. However last year I found myself homeless. I assisted the police with an investigation, and with everything that went on, it wasn't safe for me to go back to my flat. In the end, I had to leave my home and area. I found myself back at square one. St Mungo's supported me into temporary housing, but I'm independent enough to move on and and am keen to sort my own place now. I just need a good job to do that!

I’ve worked on construction sites before and know I like it. Ever since the first time that I worked on site, I've known that I want to become a crane supervisor. It’s a responsible job and looks really interesting as well. There’s a lot of logistics and planning involved. After gaining the experience as a supervisor, I want to get into site management. This has been a really bad stage of my life but I'm determined to be more responsible now and do everything I can to get myself in work by July - thank you for your support in getting me back there.

Due to the member's personal history, we've kept this profile anonymous.

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