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Kateryna moved into a stable home

raised of £2,750
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Kateryna's story

When I came to England I had a very kind sponsor who I lived with. However, they had to repair their property and they were also moving house so I was no longer able to live with them. I found it strange to live with another adult and wanted to live independently. However, without a stable income or banking statements dating back to the past 6 months it was very difficult to find a house for myself and my child.

Back in Ukraine, I had difficulties with my health and I also lost my job. I managed to find another job but this meant I worked all week as well as weekends for an entire year. I was then able to move into my own property in Kiev which brought me a lot of joy as I had a new job and a new home. This all changed on the 21st of February when I had to leave everything I worked so hard for. I am still trying to move on from this.

Now I feel happy and my son feels happy. I feel like I have the privacy and independence I need. My son can play football and is still able to go to the same school as we found a property in the same area. In 2 years time I hope to go back to Ukraine, I hope to gain some good experience here and take it back to my country.

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