My career path seemed straight forward - I was doing the work I loved the most in the care and support sector. I've always loved looking after and caring for others. I cared for all types of people across the country, anyone who needed my help I was there. Do not get my wrong, it is a very challenging job and I had some extremely testing times but they say nobody chooses care, care chooses you.
I recently sustained an injury at work which has knocked me back. Literally! Unfortunately, this injury worsened over time and I've now been diagnosed with spinal stenosis. This means I was not able to work since and have now fallen into rental arrears as a result. I do not want this to be the end of my journey in the medical sector but have to accept I will need to alter my career path, as it would not be safe for me or my clients to continue in the same role. I. quote which has helped me through this time is "Stop expecting. Start accepting"'
Beam are supporting me with medical administration course. This will empower me to fulfil and achieve my passion to once again be associated with the National Health Service. There is nothing that would make me prouder, especially during these times.