The last couple of years have been a real struggle for me. I lost a close family member in a car crash. This rocked me to my core. I struggled to focus and maintain a functional lifestyle. I lost my job and then my home. It was at this stage I became homeless. Thankfully, I was supported by the local council into a hostel.
These events have taken a while to put behind me but I'm finally ready to move forward with my life and get back on track. I've suffered from a lack of vision, focus and fear of failure before in my life. However, I now know what I want to achieve in life and feel confident to take on new challenges.
I love to surround myself with positive people. I'm a big fan of random acts of kindness. It just feels good. I feel it's important to appreciate the good things in life, especially your family and friends. I don't want much in life, I just want to get into stable employment and let go of all of the negativity in my life. I hope one day I can be the one helping someone else get back on their feet like you are with me.