I'm a father, a football fan, and a forklift driver. I've been working full-time for the past 7 years, and there's nothing I love more than coming home after a long day to my family. However, the biggest challenge I've faced recently is the risk of becoming homeless. It's a situation I never imagined I would find myself in, and it's been a struggle to keep a roof over our heads.
We need to find a stable home, not just for me, but for my young son and my wife too. That's why I've turned to Beam. With your help, I hope to secure a home for my family where we can build memories, where my son can grow up, and where I can watch the football in peace!
Knowing that there are people out there who want to support me in achieving this goal is an incredible feeling. It's heartening to know that there are people who care about others, even if they've never met me. As we move into the festive season, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who donates. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and thank you for helping us get a few steps closer to finding a stable home. In two years' time, I hope to be saving for a mortgage and providing a secure home for my family. I can't quite imagine what it will feel like when we achieve this goal, but I know we will be forever grateful.