I live in a hostel which is not a great place to be. I don't have a kitchen or anything to make me feel at home. The war in Ukraine has made things difficult and I had to leave my family and friends behind to move here.
I was lucky to have a lovely family who took me in and helped me settle, but now I need to move on and start a new life. I have worked in offices for a long time, mainly as an Admin Assistant and I really enjoy it. I used to be so good at ensuring everything ran smoothly and organised.
I had a job quite recently working in a Kitchen and it was fun but because I had to move places again I sadly left it and again I am unemployed. I can't wait to find a job where I can maximise my skills and hopefully get back to my career of working in Admin. With your support, I will be working with my caseworker on updating my CV and applying for more roles.
Thank you so much!