I really enjoy being around people. That is the main thing I am looking forward to about getting back into work. I love the interactions and the social aspect of retail work.
For the last 20 years I have run my own floristry business. I had a shop in Borough Market where the atmosphere was always so busy and vibrant. I had been struggling with the rent there even before coronavirus because they kept putting it up. However, when the lockdown came I had to shut completely and it's been financially devastating. At around the same time, my flatmate moved out, leaving me to pay the whole rent for a two bedroom flat which I just can't afford. As a result, I'm now in rent arrears and I really don't want to lose my flat as I don't know where I would go.
I have received some help from the council and have also been put in touch with Beam. I want to seize this opportunity to change career path and improve my finances long term. Firstly, I will get a job in retail, an industry I know and love. Then, alongside this, I will begin studying to be a Teaching Assistant. I want to help children who need extra support and enable them to achieve their potential. For me, this will be an extremely rewarding role and I can put my people skills to good use.