I like to look at things positively and it can only be an upward journey for me from here!
After my marriage ended, my ex-wife and daughter relocated to the UK. I had to be there for my daughter - she needs her father around. So, I left Romania and came to London as well. Unfortunately, life wasn’t easy once I got here: I moved from one poorly paid job to another, which left me with little money to pay my rent. For my most recent job, I moved to Scotland and worked as a porter. After six months, I collapsed due to the stresses and strains of working long days of 16 hours or more.
I became homeless after moving back to London and am currently staying in a different night shelter each evening to escape the cold. There are a lot of things to consider when you're homeless - where to stay, shower, and eat. But I am content with the night shelter - the food is amazing and it's safer than out on the street.
I want to support my daughter in the best way possible and spend some quality time with her at the cinema or getting ice-cream. To that, I need to be fit and healthy, and gain the skills to work in a better paid job. Things have been looking brighter since I gained support from Glass Door. Now, through Beam’s help I am determined to build a career as a security guard. This will give me some pride in myself again and make my family proud of me as well.
I’ve learnt a lot about myself in these tough times. I am determined to succeed and gain my CCTV and Door Supervisor badges, and leave homelessness behind.