The past few years have been an interesting time for me and my family. My country was a very difficult place to build a life. The war made it hard to build up a life and plan for the future. I was so excited to move to this country to make a better life for my family.
With the outbreak of the pandemic, it made everything so difficult because I wasn’t able to go to college and improve my English. Now with the help of Beam, I feel like I’m getting back on the right track to build a career so that I can provide for my family.
I’m looking to become a security guard so that I can learn a new skill. I want to make sure people are safe and when I heard Beam could support me in becoming a security guard, I thought this would be a great opportunity. I’m excited to get back to work in a good job so that I can save and ensure my family has a nice life.
I am really happy to have Beam and the community’s support in helping me fulfil my dream to get back to work. I’m very grateful to everyone who has and who will help me.