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Ola started work as a receptionist

raised of £4,074
Ola's campaign has funded! Support someone else to get back on their feet.
Ola's story

My dream is to have a financially stable job, my own place and to be able to fly my children over from Nigeria so that we can be together. I want to progress in life and doing this training will enable me to achieve that!

I first became homeless in 2014. Ironically, it was because I started working full time which meant that my benefits were reduced. My landlord wasn't happy with that and preferred that I didn't work so that my rent could be fully paid by housing benefits. He evicted me from the property and I ended up sleeping on the streets of London for months. It was a very sad and difficult experience, having nowhere to go and no money. I ended up losing my job and had nothing but the clothes on my back.

I was referred to The Women Day Centre Marylebone Project in 2015 and they gave me a 14 day emergency bed. They then offered me temporary accommodation where I still live now. During this time, I worked as a health care assistant in the NHS supporting patients who were immobile. In the end, the job was too physically demanding for me so I had to leave.

Meeting and helping people makes me happy which is why I want to work as a receptionist or secretary. I am currently volunteering as a receptionist and I'm really enjoying it.

Back in 1992, I worked as a receptionist in a security office and one of the secretaries offered to teach me shorthand. She took me to a learning centre where I trained to become a secretary. I ended up working as an admin assistant in a school and it was a very good job! It was a long time ago and I did everything on a typewriter back then. I really need to up-skill, which is why I am really looking forward to this training, particularly the audio typing and writing modules. I have also visited the training provider and can't wait to start there as I really like the people I met!

Campaign updates
Ola is now working as a receptionist

Hi all, thank you once again for your support. I just wanted to let you know that I have secured a job as a receptionist here in London. It has been brilliant so far. Nevertheless, I'm going to carry on with the training as planned as this training will help me to get a better reception role in the near future!

Monica LockWell done Ola, I'm so pleased for you and glad to hear you will continue with your training. Best wishes Monica
Ian PantonHi Ola - what a great start. I reckon you are right to continue training and the experience you are getting in your job - dealing with all sorts! - will be invaluable too. We wish you all the best. Joanna and Ian Panton
Liam McKeatingYou are doing really well Ola, good luck
Sian Heath-HalleyWonderful news Ola ! Well done !
Ola is now working as a receptionist

Thank you all for your support it means so much to me. I am very happy about the amount donated by you, it's really incredible. You are all amazing. May you have peace all your life. 😊

Ola is now working as a receptionist

She raised £4,074 in 24 days from 147 supporters.

Laura DavidsonWell done, Ola! Please update us all when you're working as a receptionist!
Alastair RussellWell done and best of luck !
Ola is now working as a receptionist

Thanks for your kind support. You are all amazing!

Ola is now working as a receptionist

I am excited about my course which will begin in October 2019. I really like my chosen career because I am a people person, I enjoy meeting and helping others. I am very grateful to be part of Beam and I hope to get a fantastic job after my training! 👩🏾‍💻

Anna GilbertGood luck with your training Ola
Pauline KeyneHope the training goes well and that you'll soon be doing the work you enjoy.
145 supporters
Good luck Ola!
Best of luck
God said he will always provide for you needs.
Best of luck!!
Good luck Ola!
Budget breakdown
More about Ola's campaign
Beam Caseworker
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