The last 18 months have not been the easiest, but I love running and reading which has helped me to keep my mind off things! Before the Covid-19 pandemic I worked as a carer and an x-ray screener at the World Cargo Centre at Heathrow, I had a good job and stable home but losing my job last year meant I was unable to pay rent and has left me in arrears and in a financially unstable position.
I am currently working on a zero-hours contract to help me cover some of my costs, but the hours that I am getting are not enough to help me pay my rent. I’m so grateful that Beam is going to provide me with the training, qualification and licences to help me become a full time security guard. I know this will be the start of helping myself out of this situation and becoming financially stable again.
Before I came to the UK, I completed the first year of medical school, and my dream is to one day be able to go back home, finish my studies and make a difference in the lives of the students there. It has been a difficult few months, but I am so incredibly grateful for all the support I am receiving from Beam and all of you kind strangers. Knowing there are people out there who want to help me succeed in life is incredible, and I will be forever grateful!