Whenever I'm on the bus, I’m always looking at walls from the top deck! Bricklaying might seem the same to you, but it never is! You can use loads of different brick types to create all different designs. I love seeing that final look when a wall is complete. And it’s therapeutic work too!
I’ve been in construction since I was 17 years old, so I’ve got a lot of trades experience. But I’d never done bricklaying before. It was only whilst in prison that I first tried it. I completed a short course and did really well!
After completing my sentence, I was a stay-at-home Dad. But last year, I went through a bad break-up. Things got so bad, I had to move out. Some days, I was rough sleeping. Now I’m in a hostel and I’ve had a lot of good support. People have given me chances. Three of my support workers have all provided new opportunities, which has now led to Beam. Things have started to get better for me!
I’m really looking forward to meeting new people and getting back in work. My hands have got too soft! This is the longest I’ve been out of work. I’m now in a good place to extend my skills. I want to challenge myself and get this qualification. Having my own place so I can catch up on lost time with my son and be a role model for him is all the motivation I need.