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Rob wants to be a construction worker

raised of £4,566
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Rob's story

I have a passion for music and I have played the drums for 11 years now. I have also been learning the guitar for the last two years. I also enjoy skateboarding, football and exploring new places. My dream for the future is to be financially stable enough to own my own place to live and to be able to write music during my spare time.

I was made redundant during covid and whilst struggling to find a new job, I couldn't pay my rent anymore and had no choice but to sleep on the street. It made me think more about the types of jobs I want to work in and the importance of having job security. I want to work in construction as it has been one of the few sectors that have been open during covid so it will give good job security and there are good opportunities to progress into a higher role.

I'm looking forward to being able to get back on my feet and start living my life again because it feels like my life has been put on hold during the time I've been homeless.

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Beam Caseworker
Construction Industry Training Board
Construction Industry Training Board
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