All I want is to be independent, useful to my community and provide the good life my children deserve to live. I’m so excited just to work and feel like myself again.
In November 2018, I had to approach the council to submit a homeless application. My partner was abusive and he stopped contributing to the rent. By myself, I couldn’t pay the full amount and so my 3 girls and I were evicted. Thankfully, we were supported into temporary accommodation, so we have somewhere to live, but we’ve been moved three times in the last year and it’s out of our home area.
Without settling in one place, things have been really hard and exhausting. But now I feel like my turning point is happening. After I found out about Beam, I’m getting the support to change my life. It’s what I’ve been wishing for. I have been out of work for almost 10 years so can't wait to be back in a professional environment, socialising and meeting people again.
Why have I chosen to train as a secretary? I love to write, I'm good at organising and I just really like helping people. It’s an office-based job, so that will be a suitable work environment that doesn't further affect my health conditions and the hours mean I can still give enough time to my children. I’ll be forever grateful for your help with restarting this new chapter of my life.
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