What would make me happier than anything else in the world is to have all of my kids here with me, so we could be together as a family. My oldest two children are still in Nigeria and have had a hard time there without me. My core motivation for getting into work is to save enough money to bring them here to live with me.
Right now I’m living in temporary accommodation provided by Southwark Council. This is the fifth place I’ve been since 2016, and it’s definitely been hard moving so much with my younger children. You don't feel like a house is your home, and it’s difficult to make friends when you don’t know if you’re going to be leaving soon.
My aim is to becoming a support worker. I’ve got a lot of experience working with vulnerable people, particularly the elderly, and it's a passion of mine to help people in challenging circumstances. This passion started back in Nigeria, where I was born. My sister has a disabled child who cannot move his body much. I used to feel so much for this poor boy, and did everything I could to improve the quality of his life. I cared for him and taught my sister how to do the same - to move him around properly, to clean and dress him respectfully, to talk to him and make sure he felt cared for. I felt so much passion while I did this and this passion continues to motivate me.
I'm looking forward to being useful again to my community. In the future, my plan is to start studying part time while I'm working, so I can learn more about how the health sector works in the UK. First though, I’m going to get a job so I can get some practical experience. That’s my next step.