The breakdown of my previous relationship really affected my mental health to the point where it was affecting my performance at work which ultimately led to my dismissal. I had no idea how to manage my mental health and was reluctant to ask for support from friends and family. I choose to lock myself away which only resulted in more negatives such as being served an eviction notice.
I realised that I had to do something about this, so I got in contact with my doctor and was prescribed anti-depressants. I have also been attending weekly sessions to manage my anxiety day to day which has been working well for me, I also got in contact with my local council for support regarding my arrears and once I start working I will be able to start clearing my rent arrears.
I can finally say that I am in a place where I am ready to return to work, but I am aware that I will need some support in getting there.
I love to engage with people my friends always say I have the gift of the gab! I just enjoy personal interaction hence why I really want to start a job in sales or marketing where I can use these skills to my advantage.