For me the most exciting thing about all of this is getting back on my feet after a tough few years in my life. I have previous commercial experience in the security industry in Central London during 1990s when the security industry was less regulated. I would like the opportunity to undergo classroom training so that I can legally obtain the Door Security Badge & Emergency First Aid Certificate, which will enable me to work again in the Security Industry.
I have lived in London all my life, but since 2018 it all went downhill as I lost my job, had issues with my housing along with family members passing away under various tragic circumstances. I was homeless and sofa-surfing at a friend’s apartment until I had come across the Salvation Army’s 8-week Renewal Programme for homeless people. I was provided with a caseworker to help me with housing and I was able to stay in night-shelters every evening that had provided me with a hot meal and a single bed. As the bed was a in big hall though with lots of other people, I had neither security nor privacy.
Then a temporary apartment become available, under The Renewal Programme for homeless people with medium to low needs. I’m currently claiming universal credit and housing benefit to help pay my temporary housing accommodation however, these benefits are capped as I’m a single person and unemployed. I want to find a job then move onto housing in the private sector, so I can have a more long-term and sustainable plan in place. I know that in these strange times, everyone is watching the pennies, so getting the help from Beam and their supporters feels like such a privilege.