The last year hasn't been easy and searching for a job in this climate has felt impossible at times. My son is my motivation to find work. I want to buy him new toys, clothes and things for him to develop as he's at the stage where he's becoming curious about things. Getting into work will help me to be a good role model as well as provide for him.
My housing situation has been unstable for the last few years. I left my family home in 2016 due to a breakdown in relationship and then stayed at friends houses, on sofas or spare rooms. I didn't know I could get help from the council but when I found out and called them, they were quick to support and helped me into a hostel. It's liberating to have a place that's mine even if it's temporary.
I'm not sure what the future holds at the moment. There's a lot of uncertainty but I'm looking to focus on getting into a construction role. I'm really good with my hands and I have an interest in plumbing so I hope that I'll be able to build my skills and use them in a trade in the future.