I had been living very happily in this property for many years, but recently the landlord put the rent up and it's unaffordable for me. I've had some struggles over the last few years with my health, meaning that I'm unable to stand on my feet for long periods of time. I'm a hairdresser, and I absolutely love my job, but because of my health problems I've had to cut down to part-time work, and it doesn't cover the bills anymore. I wasn't sure what else I could do, and was scared of becoming homeless.
My younger sister is studying whilst also being a part-time cleaner, and we are wanting to find a place together that we can call home. I'm so excited to live with her, and for us to be stable and happy too.
Using Beam's service has reminded me that there are good-hearted people out there who will help me, and I am so grateful for all your support. Thank you so much and God bless you.