Having this opportunity to receive help and support from people that I do not even know is so motivational. I first completed my first carpentry course in high school and it’s the one job I’ve known and loved for over 15 years.
Last year, I was working as a carpenter and was paying rent in the house I was working on. When the job ended, I lost my housing too. There are a lot more health and safety requirements now to get on a construction site and you need the official qualification to work as a carpenter. With no income, I ended up on a friend's sofa and eventually on the streets and in parks. Sleeping rough made me think a lot about where I had gone wrong and every action that led me to this situation. The hardest part about being homeless was people confusing me with being a beggar. It wasn’t a life I chose and several unfortunate circumstances led me there. I’m now trying to fix everything to avoid that ever happening again. Through Beam, I have the possibility of doing just that.
Over the last few weeks, a lot has changed for the better. I found out about Buses 4 Homeless who providing amazing support with shelter. The next day, a housing officer told me about Beam. They say that all your buses come at once!! I’ve already passed a short construction course and the carpentry qualification is up next. I’m confident that I can pass the exam as I know I can do the work well. It will be good to overcome this challenge and have my skilled worker card.
With how things have been, I've not thought about planning ahead - but I know things will be a lot better than what is was a few weeks ago and even how it is now. To have your help and support has restored my faith in humanity and I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to give back.