One of my biggest motivations is being able to give back to others. I'd love the job I do to serve others on some level even if it's in a small way. At the moment I'm keeping my job search quite open as I want to find something as soon as possible in order to support my partner and young child. I'm a firm believer that you can find ways to help people in all types of roles.
My housing issues began when our child was born. The landlord of the property evicted us as the place was deemed as overcrowded. We didn't have enough money to put down a deposit or other funds needed to move into a new place so we sought support from our local council. We're now living in a temporary place but due to the size, it's really tough. I'm hoping that getting into employment will give my family and I the chance to afford somewhere bigger where my child will have space to grow.
I've been applying for lots of roles already but I'm hoping Beam can help me to supercharge my job search and support with some the financial challenges of starting a new role. I'm really interested in getting my security badge too so I'm hoping to complete security training after I've found a stable job. It's a line of work that appeals to me because the interaction with others and I'm sure each day would be totally different.