I’ve been living in London all of my life so it’s definitely a place I would call home. Despite this, my home environment has always been a place of trauma as I became an orphan just under 4 years ago. My dad has never been involved in my family life and my mother passed away in 2017.
I had been able to cope pretty well for almost 4 years, but living with family became too much in 2020. I spent years living and caring for close family members but I ended up being the victim of abuse. I fled my home in September 2020 because of this and spent the majority of the year homeless. I'm really proud that I managed to finish my university degree during this time.
I have only just got the chance to move into a temporary accommodation space, but I have no family support and I am unemployed at the moment. Any support or donation that can be made will be very much appreciated to help me get my life back on track.
I know it's going to be quite tough to find a job in my career, so I'd love to get started by working in hospitality to help find some stability.