I've always been a grafter, so the idea of working in accountancy appeals to me. Once you get your foot in the door, you can go anywhere. I've done a range of short-term jobs in my time, but now I want to build a foundation beneath me, something that I can grow and become financially independent in. This accountancy course is the route to get there!
I'm currently living in temporary accommodation. The main reason I left my last home and that I don’t currently have a permanent place is the domestic violence I experienced with my ex-partner. I first went to a women's refuge instead of staying somewhere known so that he wouldn’t find me, then I found my current accommodation. It's been a tough journey. I was strong and fiercely independent before, and I still am, but now I also suffer from the trauma of my previous relationship.
Despite everything I've been through, I still love to dance, to sing, to learn new things, to write poetry and to explore the world. I also love helping people who are in need when I'm able to, even if I can't do much. I love giving to charities that I feel are making real impacts on peoples lives.
Homelessness has certainly made me see the world in a different light. Now I know to appreciate everything I have, as there are always others who are worse off. In my opinion this experience of being homeless made me stronger as an individual. Of course I felt sorry for myself at one point, but I no longer sit around doing nothing. I'm proactively seeking to improve my situation and I believe more in myself because of it.
Now it's time to move forward. I have always loved maths, but when I left school I chose a few different paths to figure out where my passion really was. Now I know that maths is the place for me, the subject that most stimulates my mind, and accountancy is the area where I'm going to build up my career. In two years' time, the plan is to have a more stable lifestyle. I want to have progressed in my career, travelled more and started saving up for a mortgage. That's my dream!