5 people need your support in Cambridge

Our campaigns provide funding for people to get new jobs and homes. So far, 4074 people have started new careers and found secure housing through Beam.
You can give people like Omar, Xavier and Amin a brighter future today.
Omar wants to be a warehouse operative
After leaving Afghanistan and relocating to the UK, I have found it very challenging to find a job. Being unemployed and in the house is very difficult as not having financial stability makes it very tough to support my family and provide for them. Also, I speak very little English as I am waitin...
Xavier wants to be a support worker
When I arrived in the UK as a refugee, I worked for over three years as a chef and recently made the difficult decision to leave my job and pursue a career in the civil service, where I can help people find jobs and support them to solve their problems. However, my current zero-hour contract work...
Amin wants to be a taxi driver
I came to the UK from Afghanistan two years ago with my wife and three children. Back home, I worked as a finance assistant and was also a shop owner. Now, I'm determined to secure a good job here and work my way up again. Thanks to Beam's support, I've achieved a significant step in my career...
Ahmadzai wants to be a security guard
After the government changed in Afghanistan, me and my family’s safety was at risk so we had to leave and move to the UK. As the head of a large family, moving to a new country has been very difficult as I need to secure a good job to be able to provide for them. I would love to have a job closer...
Olena wants to secure a job in retail
After leaving Ukraine, my journey has been filled with challenges. It's been tough to secure a skilled job in the UK, and despite countless applications and interviews, I've faced a lot of rejection. This has been disheartening, especially as my council payments finished, and I began to struggle ...